This creative work (audio/visual recording) is a short documentary on Zorenka, a dance group from Russia, that represents Russian folk, traditional and experimental dance forms. The documentary is a series of short documentaries that are being made under the research project - Analyzing “International Folklore Festivals” as a Venue for Cultural Intermingling, Globalisation and Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, which I have been working on since 2012.
The documentary follows Zorenka in the International Folklore Festival of Gannat, France in its 39th edition in July 2012. The aim of this documentary is to explore and demonstrate how cultural groups are instrumental in the protection of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity and how the folklore festivals such at the festival in Gannat contribute in the promotion and protection of cultural heritage and also foster exchange among the various cultural groups. This documentary captures the performances of the Russian dance group Zorenka from Penza during the Gannat festival. Through first hand interaction with the group members and festival organisers, the documentary provides an understanding of the performers/participants’ view of the folklore festival and its importance. Issues such as their collaboration with other folk and traditional dance group and what does it mean to them to safeguard their culture are explored.
Format: Video
Duration: 15 minutes
åLanguage: English
Screenings – 45th Festival Du Gannat, Le Cultures Du Monde, Gannat 18-28th July 2018.