Dr Kishore has been coordinating the Documentary Production unit at Deakin University. The Documentary unit is offered in undergraduate and post-graduate level. Each year the students in the documentary make a six minute short documentary on various themes, in 2020-21 the theme was "Change". Many of these documentaries were accepted by various films festivals across the world.
In 2020 two documentaries - Men at Work by Manasa Visakai, Anh Quan Nguyen and Yohann Roberts, and Worth It by Sam Lee, and in 2021 the documentary Annunziata: An Italian Immigration Story by Natalie Cicciarelli were the finalists in the ATOM Awards under the Best Tertiary Documentary category.
Since 1982, the Australian Teachers of Media Inc. - ATOM Awards have been celebrating the best of Australian and New Zealand screen content from the education sector and screen industry professionals. They are the second-longest-running film and media awards in Australia, behind the AFI/AACTA Awards.
